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Trumpism and the Resurgence of Public Cruelty: Understanding the Motivations Behind a New Cultural Ethos

The Rise of Cruelty Under Trump and the Political Backlash Against Economic Inequality


In the wake of Donald Trump’s election, philosopher Richard Rorty’s 1998 book, "Achieving Our Country," has gained renewed relevance. Rorty predicted the rise of a right-wing American strongman, who would herald an alarming new cultural era of cruelty and intolerance.

Cultural Left vs. Reformist Left

According to Rorty, the American left has shifted its focus from economic inequalities to social inequalities. This shift, while necessary to address the concerns of marginalized groups, has come at a cost. The left has abandoned its commitment to addressing the concerns of the working class, particularly in an era of rising economic inequality and globalization.

The Rise of Authoritarianism

Rorty predicted that the left’s inattention to rising inequality would allow a right-wing demagogue to rise to power. This demagogue would capitalize on the resentment of those who felt left behind by globalization and abandoned by the left. The authoritarian leader would encourage open cruelty and discrimination against marginalized groups.

Rorty’s Predictions and Trumpism

Rorty’s predictions have proven eerily accurate, as evidenced by the rise of Trumpism. Trump’s election platform was characterized by vicious cultural warfare, encouraging his supporters to openly perform cruelty. This cruelty is not born out of displaced pain, as Rorty initially predicted, but rather a sense of power by those who felt repressed.

The Politics of Status

Rorty’s analysis is incomplete in that it fails to account for the role of status politics. People desire the ability to demean others not only out of anger at their own standing but also out of a genuine belief in their own social superiority. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent among the elite class, which uses derogatory language and behavior to assert their dominance.

The Cultural Left’s Role

Despite its shortcomings, the cultural left can help us make sense of Trumpism. The movement’s focus on social justice has exposed the deep-rooted racism and homophobia in American society. This exposure has created a backlash among those who feel threatened by the changing social landscape.


Rorty’s predictions about the rise of cruelty and authoritarianism under Trump have proven prescient. However, his analysis is incomplete, as it fails to account for the role of status politics. Understanding Trumpism requires grappling with the complex interplay between class, race, sexual orientation, and status. The cultural left, despite its faults, can help us navigate this complex landscape and fight for a more just and equitable society.



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