Nacelle’s Bold New Trek: A Deep Dive into the First Wave of Figures
Star Trek, a franchise renowned for its optimistic vision of the future and its exploration of complex philosophical themes, has a peculiar relationship with the world of merchandising. While other sci-fi giants are perpetually awash in a tidal wave of toys and collectibles, Star Trek’s presence in the toy aisles has historically been…well, less overwhelming. This relative scarcity makes each new venture into Trek figures all the more exciting for dedicated fans.
Enter Nacelle, a company clearly attuned to the desires of the Star Trek faithful. Their announcement of a new line of figures, revealed at last year’s New York Comic Con, immediately sparked buzz. These aren’t just your standard Captain Kirk and Spock offerings, mind you. Nacelle is delving deeper into the Star Trek universe, spotlighting characters who, while perhaps not always headlining episodes, are nonetheless crucial and beloved parts of the Trek tapestry. The figures also don’t just represent simple interpretations of the characters, but pinpoint specific moments in particular episodes, and even include key accessories.
The overwhelming positive response to the initial announcement is a testament to Nacelle’s understanding of the Star Trek fanbase. CEO Brian Volk-Weiss has stated his delight at the positive fan response, and confirmed that this first wave is just the beginning, with a second wave already in development with community involvement.
The first wave of figures, slated to ship in October, features eight distinct characters, each meticulously crafted and brimming with personality. Let’s take a closer look:
Weyoun, the Dominion Diplomat: The cunning and utterly devoted Vorta representative of the Dominion, Weyoun is a fascinating figure. Nacelle’s figure perfectly captures his blend of diplomatic charm and ruthless dedication to the Founders. What sets this figure apart, however, are the delightfully quirky accessories: half a pepperoni pizza and a pair of chopsticks, along with a supply of Ketracel White. The inclusion of the smiling expression option is also a welcome touch, reminding us of the subtle humor that often permeated Weyoun’s interactions. It truly captures the spirit of the character.
Maltz, the Klingon Warrior: Maltz, the ill-fated partner of Commander Kruge, is forever associated with the devastating events of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. The figure appropriately comes with a miniature Genesis Device. While, sadly, it probably won’t create new planets or resurrect fallen Vulcans, it serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made and the stakes involved in that pivotal moment in Star Trek history. The figure itself appears battle worn, and as always, the Klingon forehead ridges are nicely detailed.
The Talosian (and Vina): From the infamous Star Trek: The Original Series episode "The Menagerie," which continues to spark debate among fans and cast members alike, this figure is technically a two-in-one, even a three-in-one if you consider the flower accessory. It is a bold choice from Nacelle, given the episode’s controversial status, but undeniably a significant piece of Star Trek history. This figure features a Talosian, known for their immense mental powers, and Vina, the human woman who resides on Talos IV.
Hikaru Sulu, the Steadfast Helmsman: The beloved helmsman of the Enterprise, Sulu is an iconic figure in Star Trek. This figure comes with an array of phasers and communicators from various Trek iterations, highlighting the character’s long history. However, the most charming and essential accessory is undoubtedly the cup and saucer, perfectly capturing Sulu’s dignified demeanor and penchant for a good cup of tea, or whatever exotic beverage he happened to be enjoying. The detail of the uniform looks authentic.
Rachel Garrett, the Courageous Captain: Captain of the Enterprise-C, Rachel Garrett made a lasting impression in her singular Star Trek: The Next Generation appearance. While a younger version of the character briefly appeared in Star Trek: Discovery‘s Section 31 storyline, most fans prefer to remember Garrett from her heroic sacrifice in the TNG episode "Yesterday’s Enterprise." The inclusion of a battle-scarred head, depicting her final, resolute moments, is a powerful and moving tribute to her bravery. It is a dark, but appropriate, addition to the accessory options.
Hugh, the Liberated Borg: Another character from the TNG Era, Hugh was introduced as a Borg drone liberated from the Collective, becoming an individual and starting to develop a personality. It is a character who is synonymous with the exploration of identity. The alternate head included as an accessory portrays a more macabre side of his life, showing him as a Drone before his liberation.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard with Locutus Head: This figure captures Picard in his normal uniform, as well as his head as Locutus, showing his time assimilated by the Borg, including the Borg implants. Even better, the figure includes Picard’s fishbowl, the one that Jellico ordered to be removed from the ready room on the Enterprise-D.
Captain Jonathan Archer, the Trailblazer: Rounding out the first wave is Captain Jonathan Archer from Star Trek: Enterprise. The figure comes complete with appropriately evil-looking Mirror Universe beverages, a nod to his memorable turn in the "In a Mirror, Darkly" two-parter. This figure is a welcome addition for Scott Bakula fans and Trek enthusiasts alike, particularly in the absence of Quantum Leap figures which so many are sorely missing.
The Nacelle figures are individually priced at $29, or $225 for the complete set. They are available for pre-order now at the Nacelle Store.
Nacelle’s deep understanding of the Star Trek universe, combined with their commitment to quality and attention to detail, promises a collection of figures that will resonate with fans for years to come. This first wave is a testament to their vision, and the promise of future figures created with fan input is an exciting prospect for the Star Trek collecting community. The inclusion of so many unique characters and pivotal scene moments, as well as the vast array of accessories, means that these are not just figures, they are miniature works of art that truly capture the essence of Star Trek.