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How BlackRock’s Rick Rieder would reimagine the 60/40 portfolio with today’s higher rates


Reimagining the 60/40 Portfolio with Higher Rates: Insights from BlackRock’s Rick Rieder

As the investment landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial for investors to adapt their strategies to the changing market conditions. One area of focus for many investors is the traditional 60/40 portfolio, which consists of 60% equities and 40% fixed income. With interest rates on the rise, BlackRock’s Rick Rieder offers valuable insights on how to reimagine the 60/40 portfolio in a higher rate environment.

The Impact of Rising Interest Rates

Before diving into the specifics of reimagining the 60/40 portfolio, it is important to understand the impact of rising interest rates. When interest rates increase, the value of fixed income securities tends to decline. This can pose a challenge for investors who rely on the fixed income portion of their portfolio for stability and income.

Rick Rieder, the Chief Investment Officer of Global Fixed Income at BlackRock, acknowledges the challenges posed by rising rates, but also sees opportunities for investors to adapt and thrive. He believes that a flexible and dynamic approach is key to navigating the changing market conditions.

Reimagining the Allocation

In a higher rate environment, Rieder suggests reimagining the allocation of the 60/40 portfolio to better capture opportunities and manage risks. Instead of sticking to a rigid 60% equities and 40% fixed income allocation, he recommends a more dynamic approach that takes into account the current market conditions.

One possible adjustment is to increase the allocation to equities. While equities may be more volatile than fixed income, they also have the potential for higher returns. By increasing the equity allocation, investors can potentially benefit from the growth potential of stocks in a rising rate environment.

Rieder also suggests diversifying the fixed income portion of the portfolio beyond traditional bonds. He highlights the importance of considering alternative fixed income investments, such as high-yield bonds, floating rate notes, and emerging market debt. These investments can provide higher yields and potentially offset some of the negative impact of rising rates on traditional bonds.

Active Management and Risk Management

Another key aspect of reimagining the 60/40 portfolio with higher rates is active management and risk management. Rieder emphasizes the importance of actively managing the portfolio to take advantage of market opportunities and mitigate risks.

Active management involves actively selecting and managing investments based on market conditions and individual investment goals. This approach allows investors to adapt their portfolio to changing market dynamics and potentially generate better returns. Rieder also highlights the importance of risk management in a higher rate environment. By actively monitoring and managing risks, investors can protect their portfolio from excessive volatility and potential losses.


Reimagining the 60/40 portfolio with higher rates requires a flexible and dynamic approach. BlackRock’s Rick Rieder suggests adjusting the allocation to capture opportunities and manage risks. This may involve increasing the equity allocation and diversifying the fixed income portion with alternative investments. Additionally, active management and risk management are crucial in navigating the changing market conditions.

As the investment landscape continues to evolve, it is important for investors to stay informed and adapt their strategies accordingly. By reimagining the 60/40 portfolio with higher rates, investors can position themselves for potential growth and navigate the challenges posed by rising interest rates.

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