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Investigation Reveals Nestle’s Use of Added Sugar in Cerelac Baby Food in India

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Nestle Adds 3 gm Sugar in Every Serving of Cerelac Sold in India: Report

A recent report has revealed that Nestle, the multinational food and beverage company, adds 3 grams of sugar in every serving of Cerelac sold in India. This finding has raised concerns among health experts and parents who are increasingly conscious of the amount of sugar consumed by their children.

The report, which was conducted by an independent research organization, analyzed the nutritional content of various baby food products available in the market. It found that Cerelac, one of the most popular baby food brands in India, contains a significant amount of added sugar.

The Impact of Sugar on Health

Sugar consumption has long been associated with various health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and dental problems. Excessive sugar intake can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of developing chronic diseases later in life. For infants and young children, who are still developing their taste preferences and dietary habits, excessive sugar consumption can have long-lasting effects on their health.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), children under the age of 2 should not consume any added sugars. The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, followed by the introduction of nutritious and age-appropriate foods. The addition of unnecessary sugar in baby food products goes against these guidelines and can contribute to unhealthy eating habits.

The Need for Transparency and Regulation

The revelation about the amount of sugar in Cerelac highlights the need for greater transparency in the food industry. Parents have the right to know what ingredients are present in the products they are feeding their children. Clear and accurate labeling is essential to make informed choices about the food they purchase.

Furthermore, there is a growing demand for stricter regulations on the marketing and advertising of unhealthy food products targeted at children. Many food companies use attractive packaging and misleading claims to promote their products as healthy options, when in reality, they may contain high levels of sugar and other additives.

Health experts and consumer advocacy groups are calling for stricter regulations on the sugar content of baby food products. They argue that companies like Nestle should be held accountable for their marketing practices and the impact they have on children’s health.

Choosing Healthier Alternatives

While the report raises concerns about the sugar content in Cerelac, it is important to note that there are healthier alternatives available in the market. Parents can opt for homemade baby food or choose brands that prioritize natural ingredients and limit the use of added sugars.

When selecting baby food products, it is crucial to read the labels and understand the ingredients. Look for options that are low in added sugars and high in essential nutrients. Fruits and vegetables can be pureed or mashed to create nutritious and delicious meals for infants and young children.

Additionally, introducing a variety of flavors and textures early on can help develop a child’s palate and encourage them to enjoy a wide range of healthy foods. This can be achieved through the introduction of different fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins.


The report on Nestle’s addition of 3 grams of sugar in every serving of Cerelac sold in India has sparked concerns among parents and health experts. Excessive sugar consumption in early childhood can have long-term health implications, making it crucial for parents to make informed choices about the food they give to their children.

Transparency and stricter regulations are needed to ensure that baby food products are accurately labeled and marketed. Parents should also explore healthier alternatives and prioritize homemade meals or brands that prioritize natural ingredients and limit the use of added sugars.

By making conscious choices and advocating for change, parents can contribute to the overall health and well-being of their children.

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